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Ohio Artist Celebrates Women’s History Month by Bringing Art to Everyone
March 01, 2023

Abeer Abo-Shihata’s artwork has been featured in galleries, a library, an airport and a convention center. Now, the Hilliard, Ohio artist is excited to share her work with hundreds of thousands of people who may not have seen it otherwise as part of our Women’s History Month in-store collection.

“This is an incredible opportunity to reach people who don’t frequent art galleries,” Abeer said. “Art should be for everyone.”

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we launched a special collection of products featuring the art of Abeer, and two other Midwestern women, on products in every Meijer supercenter. The collection includes the artists’ three winning art pieces on everything from gift bags to key rings. The limited-edition products are available in all Meijer supercenters while supplies last through April 1.

Abeer, who first began painting more than 15 years ago while living in the Middle East, sees art as a form of communication and means of connection with other people.

“I love the idea of being in something more public that can just reach all kinds of people, even people not especially interested in art,” she said. “Art is an outlet for my own communication. Art is almost like a language, and it’s a way to communicate with others. I'm already bilingual, so my art makes me trilingual.”

Abeer purposefully employs a “semi-abstract” style in her paintings to give space for the viewer to apply their own unique interpretation.

She’s created art off and on since she was a child and is inspired by impressionist and abstract art. The artwork featured in the Meijer collection is abstract, with a tree-like female figure in the middle that is “kind of dancing while at the same time being like a willow. It celebrates growth and strength,” she said.

Abeer is active in her local art community as a member of the Ohio Art League and The Dublin Area Art League. Her artwork has been featured in the Bexley Library in Ohio and at the Columbus International Airport, and it’s currently in the Hilton Columbus Convention Center.

Born in New York, Abeer has traveled the world, living in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, where her parents grew up. She has also traveled extensively around Europe.

“I was also in art groups and galleries abroad, so it was a nice experience,” said Abeer, whose name means fragrance in Arabic. “I gained a lot of insight from living in those places. When you go around the world, you see art from other cultures and traditions and different art forms like pottery, tile, and architecture. It all feeds into your artistic inspiration.”

Learn more about the other Midwest artists highlighted as part of our Women’s History Month Collection.